- To carry on India the business of concept marketing, direct marketing, multilevel marketing, network marketing multi link gift schemes and to provide high quality of services and products to clients and consumers either directly or through the network of members, consultants, bonafide commission agents, franchises, associates and distributors of multi level marketing through network publicity, market research analyses, surveys, organizing events, contest, seminar and other advertising and related outdoor activities.
- To carry on the business of trading, marketing, supplying and dealing in direct marketing, multi level marketing, networking of all kinds of durable, consumable and other products and all kinds of goods, products, commodities and services by establishing marketing of networks and providing marketing support to manufacturers, distributors and dealers of all kinds of products and goods.
- To carry on the business of marketing all kinds of goods, products, commodities and services as buyers, sellers, traders, wholesalers, importers, distributors, agents, brokers, stockists, commission, agents, multilevel marketing, dealers and consultants of all kinds of products and services.
- To carry on the business of multilevel network marketing of products/services/consultancy on the internet and other forms of marketing to act as event organizers, advertisers, marketing, publicity, stage shows, e-commerce and all other activities related thereto.
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